Michael Strand
Michael Strand


RMTS hires new vice president

Roll Machining Technologies and Solutions is proud to announce the addition of Michael Strand to our sales team. Michael may be new to RMTS, but he is no stranger to many of you in the industry. 
Michael brings over 28 years of technical sales experience with him from Addison Machine. He is a detail oriented, highly dependable, and quality consistent driven individual with extensive experience in multiple areas of the manufacturing and the tube & pipe industries including sales, purchasing and machining.
Michael started in this industry fresh out of college manufacturing the rolls before moving into the office by helping customers manage their roll tooling needs. We are very excited to have him join the RMTS team and we look forward to uniting forces with him to serve all of you better.  

Please join us in welcoming Michael to our team today. Send him an email to michael.strand@rollsolutions.com or call his cell phone at 331-814-0610 and let him know you have his new contact info.