What we do for you

15 benefits for your business

The ITA offers corporate and individual memberships for moderate fees with the following attractive benefits:

  • free listing on the ITA website with hyperlinks to your own website, a Buyer's Guide for Corporate Members, and…
  • the option to publish your business, company and product information and pictures – without any limitation – on the ITA website 365 days a year, with a reach of over 35 000 visitors monthly;
  • free publication of specialist articles – with pictures, and company and product information – in the ITAtube Journal four times a year reaching more than 20,000 readers;
  • placement of advertising at special members-only prices in the ITAtube Journal;
  • marketing support via consultation in wording, placement and design if needed;
  • education, technical exchange and development via partnerships with research institutes and universities worldwide;
  • reduced entry or free access to ITA conferences and excellent networking events;
  • a free one-day ticket and a free member’s lunch during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Tube fair in Düsseldorf;
  • invaluable practical local advice on attending all major tube exhibitions organized by Messe Dusseldorf worldwide;
  • free support services via the ITA booth at major tube and pipe exhibitions worldwide.


    Be part of the world’s largest and most influential association of tube and pipe engineers and other industry professionals!