
COVID-19: Changing how we do business

Ladies and Gentlemen

A polarization is already making itself felt in the debate about how society—and society’s household purse, the economy along with production ecosystems and markets—is likely to reshape itself in a post-COVID world.

One assumption is that the crisis is likely to accelerate the fragmentation of the global economy. Trade and markets are tending towards protectionism, with borders becoming impermeable as a defense against the unprecedented levels of uncertainty overshadowing global markets.

The opposing argument says that, although trade tensions between the US and China, already stretched before the pandemic, have in some ways been accelerated, the world’s reliance on these two main producers in many sectors has not diminished.

Key to a recovery will be job creation and keeping down living costs. Both of these factors mean that, however uneasy it makes them, governments may have to tolerate a continued reliance on global investment and supply chains.

As an organization dedicated to global exchange, trade relationships and education, the International Tube Association has every intention of continuing its work on the strengthening of our far-reaching ties.

But our commitment, as will be seen, goes further than this.

The Association recognizes the importance of conversations among members scattered across the globe to maintain the pace of progress in the tube and pipe industries. Exchange drives innovation and innovation drives change within our sector: It is the innovative strength of manufacturers that enables the industry to adapt to the constantly shifting fortunes of those it supplies.
As the only globally active membership association for the tube and pipe industries, the ITA is also having to adapt to the changes that are being driven by the pandemic; changes that are not only happening faster, thanks to the crisis, but also on many more levels.

We provide a forum which is of vital importance beyond its value as a marketing tool for individual companies. And as such, we are making changes to the way we communicate and the way we meet—at least temporarily—to exchange news, educational and technical content.

Some of these changes may well be of longer duration. Either way, we encourage you to watch this space. We place the world at your fingertips; just stick with us and we can navigate the changes together.

Dr. Gunther Voswinckel,
President of the ITA