RADAR SCAN 6000 measures the diameter and ovality of tubes and pipes
RADAR SCAN 6000 measures the diameter and ovality of tubes and pipes


SIKORA presents RADAR SCAN 6000 at Tube China (E1B26)

Innovative radar technology measures diameter and ovality of metal tubes and pipes

At Tube China 2018 in Shanghai from 26 to 29 September, SIKORA will introduce RADAR SCAN 6000, which measures online and contactless the diameter and ovality of metal tubes and pipes. The system is based on progressive, high resolution radar technology and represents an innovative alternative to optical triangulation technology. In metal tube and pipe applications, the measurement is done simultaneously via transceivers from different directions over 360 degrees of the product circumference.

The advantages of radar technology, compared to optical measurement methods, are obvious: The measurement is carried out from a protected position and is resistant to heat, steam and dust. The system records to micron accuracy measuring values gapless, over the entire circumference of the product. In addition, fast rotating tubes and pipes can be precisely measured. The radar measuring system requires no calibration and delivers continuously precise measuring values, which results in high reliability and availability for the user. Due to the narrow design, RADAR SCAN 6000 can easily be integrated into the production process. The technology reliably measures independent of surface roughness in typical tube applications. Therefore, it contributes to the highest product quality, process optimization and cost saving in tube and pipe manufacturing.

SIKORA was founded in 1973 and offers measuring, control, inspection, analysis and sorting technology for process optimization in the wire and cable, optical fiber, hose and tube as well as plastics industries. The company has now transferred the operator’s advantages that result from using SIKORA measuring systems, with innovative and proven technologies to the metals markets. SIKORA is headquartered in Bremen, Germany, where the technologies are developed and systems exclusively manufactured. With 250 employees worldwide, 14 offices and more than 30 regional representatives all over the world, the company provides customers with innovative product solutions and individual services at any time.