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The Bright World of Metals 2019 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Portable 10 ppm Weld Purge Monitor Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Burkhard Dahmen:
The new president of METEC 2019
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
SMS group to supply new production facility for spiral-welded pipes to AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe SMS group GmbH
New generation Kinkelder TCT CX saw blades for solid (stainless) steel Kinkelder BV


Marine Survey Company LLC
RMTS Installs New State Of The Art Saw Roll Machining Technologies & Solutions (RMTS)

SIKORA at METEC 2019 (3A58)

Sikora AG

Weld Purging: Replace Foam with Film for High Quality Welds

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
ROLL-KRAFT names new vice president Roll-Kraft
VALVE WORLD EXPO 2020: A journey to Data Utopia Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Mac Introduces new Echomac® 25mm UT Rotary Tester Magnetic Analysis Corporation
New generation of BÜLTMANN bundling and packing lines Bültmann GmbH
Zero Colour Titanium Welds with the PurgEye® Desk Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Immediate productivity increase with OTO flying cut-off Fives OTO SPA
Bronx straightener for the ship building industry Fives Bronx Ltd
Xiris WeldStudio™ PIP -Feature Xiris Automation Inc
Tube mill mod. 60/90 Olimpia80, Tube Mills
ChangBao orders world's most advanced seamless tube plant from SMS group SMS group GmbH

Membrane wall bending machine for MARTIN Caldeiras.
Schwarze-Robitec delivers powerful machine to Portugal

Schwarze-Robitec GmbH
TOOLING DAYS 2019 Boehlerit GmbH & Co. KG
Start-ups for wire 2020 and Tube 2020: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
New: Unique 10 ppm Colour Touch Screen Weld Purge Monitor® Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Heavy-Duty Flow and Line Stopping with Steel Plugs Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Oxford Sensors announces a new head and controls for Submerged Arc Welding Oxford Sensors Ltd