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Premiere at FABTECH 2017 in Chicago: Tube Producers' and Suppliers' Pavilion Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Tube Southeast Asia 2017 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Canusa-CPS co-located at Dhatec Dhatec BV
Four Metal Trade Fairs together Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Rapid Purge your Pipes with QuickPurge® Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Iran Wire in Teheran 2017: Messe Düsseldorf organises the participation of international exhibitors at Iran Wire 2017 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
ROLL-KRAFT Ltd. recertified by ISO Roll-Kraft
Interpipe started to supply pipes with polypropylene coating Interpipe Europe S.A.
Interpipe introduces new range of special Thin-Walled Pipes Interpipe Europe S.A.
Bronx straightening machine for a shipyard Fives Bronx Ltd
Multi-Test System for Automotive Shock Absorber Tubing & OCTG Magnetic Analysis Corporation
Olimpia 80 completed the commissioning of two complete tube mills for carbon steel in Uzbekistan. Olimpia80, Tube Mills
New Weld Purge Monitor® with PurgeNet™ Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
RSP Model updating – working of square/rect. pieces Bossi S.r.l. - Macchine Finitura Metalli
Rick Olson nominated to Chair of TPA Tube Producers Council for 2017-2018 Roll Machining Technologies & Solutions (RMTS)
TubeInspect is ahead of its time AICON 3D Systems GmbH
Single Ended Purge Dams Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Safer Welding with MultiStrike ® Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Banyard LFi Seminar Inductotherm Heating & Welding Ltd
Flexible Welding Enclosure® for Welding down to 10 ppm Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
17th AICON 3D Forum, 9 March 2017 in Braunschweig AICON 3D Systems GmbH
Xiris Partners with Calibra Engineering Solutions Xiris Automation Inc
ROLL-KRAFT adds team members Roll-Kraft
Keep a Low Cost 'Eye' on Your Weld Purge Huntingdon Fusion Techniques