Effective Heavy-Duty Pipe Stopping
HFT® Pipestoppers® Aluminium Plugs have been designed for use in applications where pipes carrying fluids need to be plugged or sealed. They are available up to 36’’ (900mm) and can accommodate temperatures up to 250⁰C.
These heavy-duty plugs are manufactured with a low-friction washer to ease tightening of the ring nut that expands a rubber ring and make a completely leak-tight seal. In addition, because the plugs are neutrally buoyant they can also be used in sub-sea environments.
Standard plugs are fitted with a natural rubber seal, but alternatively silicone, nitrile, neoprene or Viton can be supplied if required.
The Pipestoppers® Aluminium Plug Range has a wide variety of applications including immersion in chemicals or exposed to high temperatures, leak testing, isolation, sealing, stopping and weld purging of pipes in harsh environments. The plugs can also used to seal and protect tanks, vessels and containers during cleaning and transportation, particularly when they are pressurised with inert gas.
All plugs conform to British Standards BS8005 and BS EN752-4 for low pressure testing and sealing of pipes.
Other expandable plugs and stoppers in the Pipestoppers® Division employ nylon or steel as the main body material. Lightweight inflatable stoppers are also available.
Aluminium Plugs are referenced in the HFT® White Paper: Welding of Zirconium and its Alloys: https://www.huntingdonfusion.com/index.php/en_gb/technical-support/white-papers-40017/3062-welding-of-zirconium-and-its-alloys
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT® have a worldwide Exclusive Distributor network, which can be found at www.huntingdonfusion.com.