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Brazil: Stable Investment Climate at the Leading Regional Trade Fairs wire South America and TUBOTECH Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019: Celebrates twenty years and continued success Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Pipe Freezing for Quick Pipe Repairs Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Messe Düsseldorf: Expansion of our international "Metals and Flow Technology" portfolio Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Schwarze-Robitec presents highly efficient tube bending solutions Schwarze-Robitec GmbH
Industry 4.0 in focus of Tube Russia, Metallurgy Russia and Litmash Russia 2019 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Permanently Present for 40 Years: Messe Düsseldorf Moscow Celebrates Anniversary Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Reika delivers to the manufacturer of the World´s lightest tipping cylinders based in the UK Reika GmbH
Unique, all in one, 10 ppm Weld Purge Monitor® Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Messe Düsseldorf to promote International Tube Traid Fair Portfolio at FABTECH 2019 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Industry leaders convene to focus on trade and productivity across Africa at the CRU Africa Wire, Cable & Tube Conference 2019 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Oxygen Monitor for Welding Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Oxygen Monitor for Welding Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Hydrocarbon Resistant PetroChem® Stoppers Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Magnetic Analysis Corp’s Long-Time President and Chairman William Gould
Was a Leader in Nondestructive Testing

Magnetic Analysis Corporation
Fives’ finishing equipment chosen for high-quality seamless pipe production
Fives Bronx Ltd

Mair Research cold drawn tube production and finishing lines in the automotive tube market

Mair Research S.p.A.
Low Cost Weld Purge Monitor for Welding Titanium

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Pressure Testing Pipework up to 6 Psi with Inflatable Stoppers

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques

Safe Pipe Repair with Accu-Freeze™

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
Low Cost Pipe Stopping for Tight Access
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques
For immediate release
Increase the life of your Tungsten Electrode with MultiStrike®

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques

Messe Düsseldorf new organizer of SAW EXPO

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
10 years PURES-tubes PURES-tubes PURchasing and salES
Xiris Audio Feature Xiris Automation Inc