Inspectec introduces new generation I.B.I.S. flash monitor
Scrap reduction is of particular importance to the welded tube industry; relatively small reductions in percentage scrap can yield big savings. For tube manufacturers, monitoring the weld flash removal process on line well before problems are revealed at cut-off is a very attractive scrap reduction tool. This is especially true when post weld heat treatment imposes long cooling runs before cut off.
It has now been more than 20 years since the sale of the first InspecTech B-scan Inspection System (or I.B.I.S.) to the welded tube industry. The unit was conceived and engineered around the ‘need to know’ the condition of the inside flash removal process, and the resulting scrap reduction potential.
Over the years as computing power has increased so has the performance and utility of I.B.I.S. improved. Displays, once delayed, moved to real-time and later the OD profile of the tube was included on the screen in addition to the thickness scale.
InspecTech is now pleased to announce new software and firmware enhancements that have made the I.B.I.S. more user-friendly and flexible. In addition, the HMI (human-machine interface) has been updated and improved.
The test head of the I.B.I.S flash monitor scans across the weld zone and adjoining parent metal covering a band some 50mm wide. The ultrasonic system makes thousands of readings during each sweep, measuring both the material thickness and the outer surface profile.
InspecTech’s I.B.I.S. does not display a curved profile, but rather a set of Cartesian plots that are calibrated directly in engineering units (inches or millimetres), and which may be used to define alarm limits and display allowable tolerances. This would not be practicable in polar views.
Background information:
InspecTech produces equipment to serve the Non-Destructive testing industry.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) or Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) determines whether a product or material is fit for its intended service. Testing must be done without damaging or changing the item.
From high pressure oil and gas pipelines, to critical aerospace parts, any product whose failure would jeopardize life and property should be tested for hidden flaws and defects.
Ultrasonics, Eddy Current, Flux Leakage and Laser Vision Systems are all technologies used by InspecTech to build the equipment which tests these vitally important materials and products.
Although InspecTech manufactures custom equipment for many applications and industries, our area of special expertise is in supplying the needs of the tubular goods industry.
This web site is dedicated primarily to NDT equipment for tubular products.
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