We are happy to report that the India Chapter is organising a Conference in Mumbai. India titled TUBES AND PIPES FOR STRUCTURAL APPLICATIONS – COMPLETE SOLUTIONS FOR THE NEW AGE . This would be on 21st February 2020.
This is a follow up Conference after the one we organised in 2017 relating to Oil and Gas. We are planning to organise another on Tubes and Pipes for Automotive Applications in 2021. We will have 14 papers discussed during the day.
We are attaching the promotional material that we are using and which would give you an idea of what is the intent, scope and coverage. The Conference has taken shape only from December 2019 and could not be covered in our Journals before.
Perhaps it could feature in an upcoming journal, but its publication may be a bit late for the Conference to be covered. It would entirely depend on when the Journal will be circulated 1/2020.
Please find the following PDFs for download:
1) Delegate Invitation (PDF)
2) Delegate Registration Flyer (PDF)
3) Sponsorship Opportunities (PDF)