ITAtube Journal IV/2017 is online

We are pleased to announce that issue IV of the ITAtube Journal 2017 is now available online.

Thank you to everyone who contributed, we have once more been able to provide an interesting and comprehensive overview of our member news as well as up-to-date market information.

A click on the link below will take you to the issue.

>>> To the ITAtube Journal

As regular readers will know, the ITAtube Journal is distributed at international Tube fairs and industry events, and is available online via our website. Environmental considerations and the wish to help conserve natural resources mean that we now no longer send out a printed copy of the Journal to members. We hope that this meets with your approval. As just mentioned, we continue to distribute the Journal widely at the Tube fairs etc., so that the audience for your marketing messages remains unaffected by this.

If you know of any colleagues or others in your company who may like to receive the digital version of our ITAtube Journal, just write us an email, including name, position and an email address, to

If you have any queries, remarks or suggestions, feel free to contact us.