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Review: wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019: Cele- brates twenty years and continued success
the two exhibitions strengthen theirpositionsasregion’sleading trade fairs in their sectors
Over 9,000 visitors from 59 countries; international visi- tors make up almost 45%
376 leading industry names from 29 countries presented their latest technologies and innovations; impressive 96% exhibitor representation from abroad
9 October 2019, Bangkok, Thai- land – wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019 – the International Wire, Cable, Tube and Pipe Trade Fairs for Southeast Asia, into its 13th and 12th edition respec- tively had its doors close to a strong and robust showing on 20 September at BITEC, Bangkok.
Re ecting the heightened indus- try demand for the synergistic sectors, backed by the region’s rapid urbanisation, rising middle class and infrastructure spend- ing, the two co-located specialist trade fairs unveiled a full gamut of wire, cable, tube and pipe man- ufacturing machinery and solu- tions by 376 exhibitors from 29
countries to a record attendance of 9,184 trade visitors from 59 countries, an increase of almost 10 percent in visitorship from the 2017 editions.
Further indicative of the rising interest and investment poten- tial in Southeast Asia was the internationality experienced on the fairgrounds of wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019. Over 96 percent of exhibiting companies came from outside Thailand and included 8 national and country groups from Austria, China, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, UK, USA, and Singapore. This edition also saw a healthy mix of new and repeat exhibitors, with some rst-timers coming from devel- oping markets such as Oman and Turkey. The same upward trend was registered on the visitor front as the fairs received close to 45 percent in overseas visitors, with top markets being Malaysia, India, China, Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore.
Vote of Con dence from both exhibitors and visitors alike
The opportune staging of these trade fairs come on the back of Southeast Asia’s expected spend ofUS$323billiononinfrastructure developments, such as clear water, clean air, energy, roads, ports, rail- ways, to education and healthcare, which will drive demand for wire, cable, tube and pipes thanks to its versatility and diverse applications across industries.
For leading wire and cable tooling manufacturer, Esteves Group, Mr Alex Casanovas, Managing Direc-
tor of Esteves-DWD Shanghai, shared that the company has participated in edition to edition of wire Southeast Asia since its early beginnings as the Group believes in the potential of the Southeast Asian market. “Today, we celebrate this good show, and remain pleased that we have met with customers that have we have planned to meet, from Thai- land, to Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. Overall, traf c has been very good for us,” he added.
Echoing his sentiments was Mr Holger Lieder, Sales Director of SIKORA AG, a regular exhibitor at wire Southeast Asia. He shared that the fair itself serves as an important trade platform as it the main exhibition for the wire and cable industries here in this region. “What is most interesting is the co-location of wire South- east Asia with Tube Southeast Asia. Having products and inno- vations suited for both industries, we are delighted to be able to meet with two groups of quality visitors at a single staging.”
Likewise for Dr Uwe-Peter Weig- mann, WAFIOS’ chairman of the board, he gave insights that the company develops 6 to 8 new machines and production systems for wire and tube each year. “It is therefore important for us to transfer this new technology to important markets for us, and one of these is the Southeast Asian market, and this is the reason why we are here at the fairs. We saw good growth as compared to its last edition and received more
Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd
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ITAtube Journal No3/October 2019