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automation, additive manufactur- ing and resource ef ciency were the focal points of the talks. We undoubtedly proved that GIFA has reinforced this trade fair’s status as a global leader.
The second important factor for success, along with the diversity of internationalities is the quality of the visitors: Over two-thirds work in upper and middle man- agement in their companies and as such have a direct in uence on investment decisions. Dr.-Ing. Joachim G. Wünning, President of THERMPROCESS and CEO of WS Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH, also con rmed this as an exhibitor himself: “The mood is amazing.
The Bright World of Metals really stimulates investment decisions, and that’s exactly what our indus- try needs.”
The trade fair quartet:
A mega trend driver
Once more, the metallurgy trade fair quartet has proved itself to be a driver of trends and innovation. The mega trends, namely addi- tive manufacturing and industry 4.0, ran through all the trade fair halls, uniting them. These trends met with huge interest from the professional visitors.
The subjects of energy ef ciency and saving resources also played a big role in events, which could be seen best in the ecoMetals Trails, for example. The synopsis from Burkhard Dahmen, President of
METEC and Chairman of the Man- aging Board for the SMS Group, was also positive: “This year’s METEC puts out a clear statement and is a beacon for the future of metallurgy and steel produc-
tion. The exhibitors presented solution concepts that primarily re ected the futuristic highlights for the industry: ecoMetals, addi- tive manufacturing, sustainability and digitalisation. Now, we need to harness this spirit and act on it to create a successful future. I’m looking forward to seeing the results of METEC 2023 already.”
The next Bright World of Metals, comprised of the leading trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS & NEWCAST will be held in June 2023; the precise date will be set over the next few months.
Review: Bright World of Metals

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