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PURES-tubes, PURchasing and salES
10 years PURES-tubes
“Dimensionally accurate solu- tions - well terminated” focuses the Nuremberg sales of ce PURES-tubes (PURchasing and SalES) its message this year for its tenth anniversary.
Since its inception in 2009, the company operates internationally and provides customers with pre- cision tubes and  ttings for serial and intermediate needs; if possi- ble, requests with smaller require- ments are also processed.
Concentration on processing solutions
At half-time the existence of Pures-tubes, almost 69% of the goods were shipped to the USA, 20% to southern Europe and 11% to Germany. From 2016, with the focus on processing solutions and  ttings, sales for Europe shifted to 60% (in particular Austria, Por- tugal, Poland, Hungary) and for Germany to 40%. According to the market analysis, this shows that Pures-tubes was able to posi- tion itself well in the industrial / mechanical engineering sectors (from 19% to 30%), in the energy, thermal equipment, pneumatics and hydraulics sectors (from 28%
to 45%). But also has to do with the fact that the company has focused on the procurement of not only standards but also spe- cialties. The ‘Other Applications’ segment (herein, for example, the building and furniture indus- tries) has remained the same over the years at 10%. In the auto- motive sector, the share of sales decreased from 43% to 15% due to the end of major orders, espe- cially for the USA. Fortunately, the turnover of 2018 in the indus- try segment Automotive has even now developed on the double.
“Of course, we still want to serve our customers in all sectors with fair prices, good service and transparent processes and want to gain many new customers.” Business owner Holger Villnow has been paying his special atten- tion to the energy sector for three years now. ““The metal industry has  rst and foremost to face the environmental requirements in Europe and the world. As is well known, energy and automotive are the outstanding topics of the future,” so Villnow.
Member News
PURES-tubes PURchasing and salES Holger Villnow
Tubes and Components international
Kobergerstr. 33 D-90408 Nürnberg Germany
Tel. +49(0)911 93769450 Fax: +49(0)911 93769452
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ITAtube Journal No3/October 2019

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