Page 30 - ITA_Journal_3-2019
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Olimpia80, Tube Mills
Località.Cà Verde
29011 Borgonovo V.T. (PC) Italy
Tel:+39 0523862614
Member News
Olimpia80, Tube Mills
Olimpia80 leader company in linear cage forming Technology
Olimpia 80 has recently installed in Chile for one of the world’s leading steel company Per met S.A., a HF tube mill for carbon steel model SCF 20-75 Linear Cage Forming for square and rectangu- lar tubes mainly destined to the structural application.
Mentioned HF tube mill covers a range of hollow section from 20x20 mm up to 75x75 mm and wall thickness from 0.9 mm up to 3 mm.
Supplied LINEAR CAGE FORMING system is the result of many years of experience and knowledge in the tube eld. This method brings undisputed advantages in terms of exibility, production capabil- ity and cost reduction.
The innovation consists in the possibility to produce any tube in any size range, included into the mill range, without roll change and in a few minutes with an extreme reduction in set-up time.
Compared with tradition pro- duction process, this method is completely automatic and set-up operations are easy, accurate and fast.
Olimpia 80 supplied turnkey system, nding custom-made solution, the layout has been designed to optimize the availa- ble oor space
Olimpia80 to consolidate his posi- tion in mentioned niche market of Linear Cage Forming Technology, has recently signed for one of
ITAtube Journal No3/October 2019
the world’s leading steel Mexican company, ARCO METAL S.A. de C.V, n.2 HF LINEAR CAGE FORMING for square and rectangular tubes, mainly for structural application.
Mentioned HF mills covers a range from 19x19mm up to 120x120mm and wall thickness from 0,8 mm up to 6,35 mm.
To perform requested tolerance, Olimpia 80 will supply the two Linear Cage Forming mills with the latest developments and with all modern and advanced techni- cal features.