Page 57 - ITAtube Journal 2 2022
P. 57

  - Mr. Albert Sedlmaier, ITA vice president, CEO data M sheet
- Mr. Sebastian Gaiser, technical sales man- ager, Wafios
- Dr. Thomas Säuberlich, head of engineer- ing automotive, Benteler Steel Tube
- Dr. Tilman Traub, head of innovation, Dreistern
Structural piping session:
As architectural challenges can be support- ed, there is a huge opportunity to increase the market for structural pipes (actually about 5% of the world tube and pipe mar- ket). Modern buildings and skyscrapers use steel structures to a large extent as con- struction is faster and cheaper. However, fire protection of the steel structure is a challenge that has to be overcome. Struc- tural piping is also beneficial in constructing equipment and machines like agricultural machines, trucks, cranes, etc. Moreover, welding and painting the structure is much faster and econimical. Ideas to further increase the advantage and use of struc- tural pipes in the construction of buildings and machines were discussed during the presentation and later in the panel discus- sion. Presenters of papers and participants to the open panel discussions were:
- Mr. Mitsuru Nakata, ITA chairman, CEO Nakata MFG
- Mr. Adrian Alecu, head of strategy and business development Arcelor Mittal tubular
- Mr. Erwin Bauer, key account Kloeckner Metals
- Mr. Christian Haferkamp, head of techni- cal sales, SMS group
ITAtube Journal December 2023
Mechanical/precision piping session:
There is a good opportunity to increase the market for mechanical tubing and precision piping (actually about 9% of the world tube and pipe market) by replacing solid bars and wire rods for bearings, bushes, piston rods, cams, etc. The mechanical tubing and precision pipes need good concentricity and precise diameter/wall-thickness. In the pres- entations and the following panel discus- sions technical advantages and commercial benefits for the replacement of solid bars/ wire rod by mechanical tubing or precision piping. Presenter of the paper was:
- Mr. Matthias Kramer, CEO and owner MSG
Dr. Gunther Voswinckel presented the latest gadget developed by ITA, the Buy- ers Guide. This tool will enable potential customers to identify qualified providers for different materials, machines, services related to the tube and pipe industry.
The day was rounded up in interesting talks during the conference dinner.
For the second day of the conference the visit to BENTELER Steel Tube GmbH, Din- slaken was scheduled. BENTELER present- ed their organization and gave a guided tour through their high performance CPE push bench plant. Such tour left the partic- ipants impressed, eagerly looking forward to the next ITA tube conference, scheduled for 2025.
Gerhard Kulessa
ITA Chairman
Technical Management Committee
 The next
ITA Tube Conference will take place in spring 2025. We will inform you as soon as possible.

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