Page 51 - ITATUBE Journal 1 2020
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It is clear that expos, conferences and similar events will resume later in the year. But in the mean- time, the ITA is proposing a series of web conferences to restore the dialogue that our sector needs to thrive.
Each web conference will have a central theme and will take place on the Zoom cloud platform.
The first of the series is sched- uled to take place on September 9, 2020. The theme at the first conference will be an overview of how the industry’s main markets have fared, concentrating on the following:
OCTG markets Automotive markets Mechanical industries Construction industries
There will be an introduction from ITA President Dr.Gunther Voswinckel, and at each web con- ference a panel with specialists and experts from the sector will be present to answer any ques- tions that may arise following the main presentation.
The second web conference (date as yet to be confirmed) will revolve around how best to maintain contact and serve cus- tomers during the pandemic and the recovery period. It will tackle questions of more agile marketing methods and customer service.
Additional topics will include a look at opportunities arising from the crisis, and the implications for globalization.
Further details will be publicised as they become available, and the ITA will ensure that all members are kept up to date
Preview: ITA – Web Conferences
  ITA – International Tube Association
Heinz-Ingenstau-Strasse 9 40474 Düsseldorf Germany
Tel.: +49 211 947-5650 Fax: +49 211 947-3938
     ITAtube Journal No1/July 2020
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